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Information in accordance the E-commerce Act (ECG), article 5

Alle Inhalte © Luxor Asset Management Trust reg.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Company name and address

Luxor Asset Management Trust reg.
Landstrasse 8, Postfach 260
FL-9496 Balzers

Contanct information

Tel.: +423 388 01 50
Fax: +423 388 01 51

Commercial register number


VAT (Value Added Tax) number

MWST-Nr. 56113

Approving and supervisory authority

Financial Market Authority (FMA) , Landstrasse 109, FL-9490 Vaduz

Appropriate chamber / association

The Association of Independent Asset Managers in Liechtenstein (VuVL).
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is available at

Professional regulations and laws

The Asset Management Act (AMA), the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of the Liechtenstein Asset Managers, the Insurance Mediation Act (IMA) and the Due Diligence Act (DDA) are all available at